Choosing an IVF Clinic

The success of an IVF cycle depends on several factors, including age, ovarian reserve and sperm quality. It also varies between individuals, as not all embryos implant or develop into viable pregnancies.

During IVF, you’ll take injectable hormone medications to stimulate multiple eggs to mature and be retrieved. Your doctor will then combine them with sperm, either from your partner or donated by a donor, in the laboratory to create embryos. If you’re successful, one or more embryos will be transferred to your uterus after about a five-day growth period.

The process can be emotionally exhausting for you and your partner, especially if you’ve tried several cycles without success. Counseling and joining a fertility support group are both possible sources of comfort.

If you want to preserve your fertility for the future, an IVF clinic can freeze your oocytes or embryos. Some clinics offer this service for a low price. Others charge more.

You should talk with a treatment center’s financial services representative to learn more about pricing and financing options. They can give you a bundled rate for the entire IVF cycle, as well as details about cost-saving programs and other options for financing. For instance, some clinics offer discounts on medications and prescription assistance programs. They may also have low-cost loan options through third-party financing companies. They might even allow you to use your fertility insurance coverage for diagnostic workup and certain procedures.

IVF Clinic Sharjah

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